Friday, February 13, 2009

Sorry for those that read my blog. It's been a week of my wife being at the hosptal, and the story or rant or what ever you want to call what I write is really in devolpment right now. And it is a big one so I will proably release it in parts so it's not a huge read all at once. of course I don't think anyone really reads this anyway so this may be for me to trick my ego into thinking someone is out there wanting a laugh from my observations or to join my rant in some form of self expression. But this blog does beat me talking to the dog and cats and not recieving any feedback. Anyway , cheers, monday I will publish the first part of my latest adventure and observations that will hopefully get read by more then then the dog, cat , or my wife who I force to read it so at least I feel my effort is not wasted.

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