Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Mini Movie Review: Idiocracy

After two weeks I finally had a few moments to write something down. I watched an underrated movie named Idiocracy. Released in 2006 and written and directed by Mike Judge, who also wrote and directed Office Space. Office space is a classic for me; I can watch it over and over again and relate to the shenanigans in the cubicle world.

Idiocracy is about an army slacker who is relieved of his laid back library job to be used for an experiment to be frozen for one year. The beginning of the movie is genius. It shows the so called smart people, insert here career people, who are waiting to have kids. Then they cut to a “dumb” couple stereotype that have kids ala over the place, his wife has just found out she is pregnant again, and by chance the neighbor is pregnant by the same man, who by the way is a stereotypical white trash type. Then it cuts back to the smart people who are waiting another five years to try having kids. Again we cut to the dumb people and the oldest son is dressed as a football player in high school holding cheerleaders saying what he is going to do. Cut back to the smart people and it is only the wife. She states her husband died of a heart attack while trying to provide a sperm sample for some medical purpose. I don’t want to give too much away but I found this highly intelligent despite the vulgar language. If anything it is a true portrait of were we are headed with the decisions that are made these days.

I look at it this way. If we let video games and cartoon network raise our kids I can see this movie being our future. If you are not offended by vulgar language this is a really funny movie just like office space. If anything Mike Judge has written and directed a comedy that is a social commentary on one possible future that we should fear. Of course I could be wrong, but as of late I have seen children do and say things that really lead me to believe that those parents who raise them on Grand Theft auto and taking them to R rated movies when they are ten years old are teaching them the opposite of how they should act.

Maybe if we return to an attitude of family values, a belief in a moral base line that is the Bible and a general respect for each other we can avoid a future were the unlovable rule and the loveable suffer.

Released in 2006
Rated R for language and nudity
Staring Luke Wilson

Joe Bauers, an Army librarian, is judged to be absolutely average in every regard, has no relatives, and has no future, so he's chosen to be one of the two test subjects in a top-secret hibernation program. He and hooker Rita were to awaken in one year, but things go wrong and they wake up instead in 2505. By this time, stupid people have outbreed intelligent people; the world is (barely) run by morons.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sorry for those that read my blog. It's been a week of my wife being at the hosptal, and the story or rant or what ever you want to call what I write is really in devolpment right now. And it is a big one so I will proably release it in parts so it's not a huge read all at once. of course I don't think anyone really reads this anyway so this may be for me to trick my ego into thinking someone is out there wanting a laugh from my observations or to join my rant in some form of self expression. But this blog does beat me talking to the dog and cats and not recieving any feedback. Anyway , cheers, monday I will publish the first part of my latest adventure and observations that will hopefully get read by more then then the dog, cat , or my wife who I force to read it so at least I feel my effort is not wasted.

Monday, February 2, 2009

My Top Five Lists

After much thought I figured I would tackle my top five lists. Everyone seems to have one, but then what makes my list different from all those others. Maybe because I am not a paid critic or really have anything to do with any type of review organization. I just know what I like and what I do not like. If anything my top 5 lists really just define how much time I exactly waste on making lists. Have I lost you yet? Anyway here we go. My top 5 lists for movies, music, TV and whatever I can think up:

My Top 5 Bands Rock
1. Metallica (pre st. anger)
2. Van Hagar
3. Van Halen
4. The Who
5 Pink Floyd

My Top 5 Bands Christian\Worship
1. Skillet
2. Third day
3. Disciple
4. P.O.D
5. Toby Mac

My Top 5 Albums
1. Skillet - Comatose\Comatose comes alive
2. Third day - Offerings\Offerings II
3. Toby mac - Portable Sounds
4. Def Leppard - High N Dry
5. Dinosaur Jr. - You're Living All Over Me

My Top 5 TV SciFi Shows
1. The X-Files
2. Farscape
3. Battlestar Galatica
4. Supernatural
5. Jericho

My Top 5 TV Other Shows
1. Physc
2. Leverage
3 24
4. Life
5. Chuck

My Top 5 Movies
1. The Dark Knight
2. Die Hard
3. Old Boy
4. Superman Returns
5. Dawn of the Dead (Original)

My Top 5 Remakes
1. The Departed
2. Texas Chainsaw massacre
3. The Mummy
4. I Am Legend
5. Ocean's Eleven

My Top 5 comic book hero's
1. Batman
2. Superman
3. Daredevil
4. Nightwing
5. Hulk

My Top 5 Comic Book Villains
1. Joker
2. Riddler
3. The Leader
4. The Green Goblin
5. Doctor Doom

My Top 5 Comic Titles
1. Fables ( You need to check this one out)
2. Batman
3. Spider man
4. Fantastic 4
5. Robotech

I could probably go on, but that's enough for now. I guess my point to myself is ten years ago that list was totally different. I know through my punk years, all my musical tastes were very different. At times when my wife and I are talking, she has no clue what band for example The Dead Kennedy's are. She gives me the look like, the drugs did do damage to your brain, talk about something else. I guess even I have grown up or matured. The things that are really important to me don't even go on a list. Jesus, my wife, my kids, the rest of my family, the weekly cell group I attend I couldn't rank. I couldn't put in order those relationships that define and give meaning to my life on a daily bases. Talk about starting out on one subject and ending up on a Doogie Howser journal entry of introspect. Anyway, what is on your list?

My Mission Statement

Pretty much I have kicked around the idea of creating a blog for a while now. But I couldn't really decide what I wanted to write about. So I am going to write about anything that seems to strike me at the time. I have no timeline for posting articles. I could be struck by current events or a movie I just saw. Or my disappointment that Cardinals just about pulled off a win against the Steelers in Super Bowl XLIII.

Personally I am a Philadelphia Eagles Fan myself, I know and I hear about it everyday. I am married to a Washington Redskins fan. I know if there were days when our marriage is strained it is the two games a year when we face off on the field. My sons are also split, my oldest is an Eagles Fan, and my youngest is Skins fan. Neither one of them have watched a full football game in their lives. I hope one day to introduce them the joy of football on Sunday afternoons.

My politics I like to keep to myself because I will bust out the soap box. But I will try to keep it to a minimum. Politics and my belief system conflict a lot no matter who is in office, but bottom line I pray for my leaders to lead this country to the best of their ability. That as Christians should be our main concern, prayer for those that lead. Those who are not believers should see us in a light of caring and conviction, not outspoken opinion based on personal fact, but on the basis of our values that are in the Bible. Hate the sin, but love the sinner. And above all we are just forgiven, not perfect. I think I am having a pretty good day if I don’t swear or get angry before 8am. But in the end, Jesus saved me from myself and broke those strong holds that would have ended me up in jail or waking up everyday searching for a reason to live. I have that reason to live, I don’t have to search, and my life is just better in every aspect. Ok, soap box put back.

Now my entertainment choices run all over the place. I love horror and Science fiction. I love comic books, video games, and movies. I watch some of movies that the average person would probably avoid. For example, I have seen all 28 Godzilla movies many times and now enjoy watching them with my kids. I think most 70’s movies are better then some of the blockbusters in the last couple of years. I and yes, Heath Ledger’s Joker was what I pictured in the comic book, Jack Nicholson was not even close and Batman is Tim Burtons worst movie. My music tastes are all over the place; my Zune has Christian rock, worship, hair metal, 80’s cheese, heavy metal, soundtracks, and podcasts. Let’s just say I should never complain I have nothing to listen to.

So that is a little about me so you can kind of expect some of the subjects I will write about. I am just the average American trying to figure out were I am and were I am going and how I feel about it. And I welcome those who choose to read this blog, you got something to comment on, go ahead. Just don’t use vulgar language, Good day, God Bless and talk to you later.