Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Mini Movie Review: Idiocracy

After two weeks I finally had a few moments to write something down. I watched an underrated movie named Idiocracy. Released in 2006 and written and directed by Mike Judge, who also wrote and directed Office Space. Office space is a classic for me; I can watch it over and over again and relate to the shenanigans in the cubicle world.

Idiocracy is about an army slacker who is relieved of his laid back library job to be used for an experiment to be frozen for one year. The beginning of the movie is genius. It shows the so called smart people, insert here career people, who are waiting to have kids. Then they cut to a “dumb” couple stereotype that have kids ala over the place, his wife has just found out she is pregnant again, and by chance the neighbor is pregnant by the same man, who by the way is a stereotypical white trash type. Then it cuts back to the smart people who are waiting another five years to try having kids. Again we cut to the dumb people and the oldest son is dressed as a football player in high school holding cheerleaders saying what he is going to do. Cut back to the smart people and it is only the wife. She states her husband died of a heart attack while trying to provide a sperm sample for some medical purpose. I don’t want to give too much away but I found this highly intelligent despite the vulgar language. If anything it is a true portrait of were we are headed with the decisions that are made these days.

I look at it this way. If we let video games and cartoon network raise our kids I can see this movie being our future. If you are not offended by vulgar language this is a really funny movie just like office space. If anything Mike Judge has written and directed a comedy that is a social commentary on one possible future that we should fear. Of course I could be wrong, but as of late I have seen children do and say things that really lead me to believe that those parents who raise them on Grand Theft auto and taking them to R rated movies when they are ten years old are teaching them the opposite of how they should act.

Maybe if we return to an attitude of family values, a belief in a moral base line that is the Bible and a general respect for each other we can avoid a future were the unlovable rule and the loveable suffer.

Released in 2006
Rated R for language and nudity
Staring Luke Wilson

Joe Bauers, an Army librarian, is judged to be absolutely average in every regard, has no relatives, and has no future, so he's chosen to be one of the two test subjects in a top-secret hibernation program. He and hooker Rita were to awaken in one year, but things go wrong and they wake up instead in 2505. By this time, stupid people have outbreed intelligent people; the world is (barely) run by morons.

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